If you’re already living your dream life, please share as well! How do you most want to spend your time?

    • Helping authors to make Ebooks that aren’t hot DRM-filled garbage (Standard Ebooks FTW!), particularly for TTRPGs which often only get PDFs electronically. Generally war against the prevalence of PDFs for electronic viewing.
    • Help research permaculture, essentially the study of why wild flora gets along on it’s own while crops always need to be tended and are generally fussy. Of course I’d do this by reverting the area around my house back to it’s natural state, just with more edible stuff around, ideally.
    • Work much harder on my own TTRPG sourcebook ideas
    • Consider legitimately contributing to open-source projects, even though I hate corporate software development
    • Wander a whole lot, play some vidjya games, meditate more.