It’s like Overwatch, Dota 2, and Team Fortress 2 all baked into a pie.

  •  CTDummy   ( ) 
    1 month ago

    And I’m not under NDA. I have signed no contracts, made no verbal agreements; I haven’t even clicked through a EULA.  This message does pop up when I launch Deadlock, but I didn’t click OK; instead, I hit the Escape key and watched it disappear.

    I’m not a lawyer but I sure hope the writer of this checked with a lawyer before posting because that does not sound right.

    Edit: Thank you Vodulas for pointing out this update appended to the article.

    Update, August 12th: Turns out Valve was not fine with me trying Deadlock with friends; I’ve been banned from matchmaking! Oh well. Please feel free to make fun of me in the comments!