So Israel break international law and then Starmer asks Iran to just suck it up, saying it will put the ceasefire in jeopardy, ignoring the fact that Israel just assassinated the lead negotiator. What in the bloody fuck?

    • any given thing

      literally the thing we’re talking about

      the precise context I think is important

      literally any context other than this specific one


      if you only ever bring up how israel needs to face international justice in the context of iran facing international justice, it kind of sounds like you don’t really care about israel facing international justice

      • Do you write down every opinion you have and publish it in case someone asks you to prove that you think it at a later date? That is what you’re asking of me.

        As far as I know, you have the opposite problem. Have you ever demanded international justice for Iran without also demanding it for Israel? Prove it! It’s a ridiculous standard.