Don’t count on the Deep Space Nine star angling for a Star Trek: O’Brien any time soon.

    •  neuracnu   ( ) 
      1 month ago

      He’s also still getting tons of regular work outside sci-fi. He’s got a comedy with Paul Reiser coming out later this year that looks pretty funny, too.

      He doesn’t need to go back to Trek, and I’m glad for that.

      Regarding Kate Mulgrew, Prodigy made a lot of sense for her given her talents as a voice actor. (RIP Infinity Train)

    • Yeah, I’ve read similar that it was “just a job” from his view, but you’re right: if he’s offered a role and is available, he’d probably take it.

      Even if he just pops up for a cameo as an Emergency Engineering Hologram or something. Maybe in Academy they find a 900 year old pattern buffer floating in deep space, and O’Brien pops out like Scotty in Relics. I would not be picky about how they bring him in, I guess, is what I’m saying. lol