starting on 2 books this week (The Right to Maim: Debility, Capacity, Disability and Red Vienna: Experiment in Working-Class Culture, 1919-1934); optimistically i’ll get both of these done in the next day or two

  •  Alice   ( ) 
    1424 days ago

    Horrible. Had some slight elbow pain at the gym. Went to the doctor. Told to keep it in a brace and not bend it. I swear the compression and the stiffness are making it worse, it’s gone from a little bit of pain beside my elbow to moderate pain all down my arm.

    People keep insisting it feels worse than it is and acting like I’m being stubborn when I say it wasn’t that bad at first. Everyone’s saying shit unprompted like “tennis elbow never gets better” or “we’re not ‘treating you like’ you’re disabled, chronic pain is a real disability!”

    My doctor told me that if, in the future, I do any kind of movement and it hurts my arm, I need to remember to “not do that movement again” because it’ll cause re-injury. So I guess I’m not supposed to lift weights for the rest of my life?

    It’s really getting to my head. It just felt like a little bruise beside my elbow. It’s not like they did any imaging and found something horrible, why is everyone acting like it’s over?

    I never even got to be buff… I was so malnourished it took me years to get visible muscles, and they were never impressive 😮‍💨 I had a stupid daydream of being an attractive butch