Fleet is a new IDE from JetBrains

  • The Fleet’s “commercial part”…

    indeed open core business model similar to idea

    JB owns Kotlin and people there know how to use it properly.

    Sure. that is the most logical thing for jetbrains to do. I’m just critical of using JVM for something like an editor because startup time, memory consumption, … and I would be glad to see webassembly taking some JVM market as well.

    Some resource-critical parts of the Fleet are made using Rust or call C-libs (Skia). But for the “domain logic” level Kotlin plays pretty well. (I was a part of the Fleet team, so I saw all the guts :)

    I will have to test it to see for myself.

    “GNU Emacs still is the best.” but “too invested”, really? :) (I’m emacser too so I know how to be “too invested”)

    GNU Emacs is the best current editor in terms of freedom, extensibility, ecosystem, frontends for both tui and gui, but it loses in performance, safety, modernity, graphical interface (all this mostly due to “too invested” in legacy, Elisp, no proper requirements engineering and UX/UI).

    I’ve been hopeful for Helix editor and their planned webassemly plugins system https://github.com/helix-editor/helix/issues/122. Lapce has wasi in it already https://github.com/lapce/lapce/issues/598.