For me it’s the paranoia surrounding webcams. People outright refuse to own one and I understand, until they go on and on about how they’re being spied. Here’s the secret - unplug the damn thing when you think you won’t use it or haven’t used it in a while.

They, whoever it is, can’t really spy on you on something that’s already off and unplugged!

  • I keep trying to convince my parents. Then they say but what if I forget the master password? I say they won’t with a passphrase but they don’t believe me.

    Also I don’t have experience with PW managers other than 1Password, Bitwarden and Roboform. I personally didn’t like Bitwarden. I think it’s UI is janky and oldschool. Roboform is so bad I don’t even know where to start complaining. So I keep using 1Password even though the UI has been getting worse but it still works for me because of the good integration into the Apple ecosystem. But it’s rather expensive for managing the 20 something passwords my parents have. I read about breaches on other PWMs sometimes so I don’t really know what to trust and recommend.