I know there a mix of love and hate around it but is it posible to make a comic/manga or something using mostly free ai tools. i cant draw really anyhting but stickmen and ai i find cool but my pc is low end-ish so i cant run locally ai, are there any free ones or software/things needed to test some things out.

or should i just learn to draw, becasue i am going thru some though times in my life once again so im not sure but im also bored, so theres that.

    • For a more comprehensive understanding of this topic, I recommend watching Legal Eagle lawyer’s detailed explanation. He presents the issue as a spectrum, taking into consideration the implications of limiting copyright on content generated or assisted by AI. For instance, should strict restrictions be imposed, using functionalities like Photoshop’s content-aware fill with the intent to copyright the work could be disallowed. He characterizes this as an extreme conclusion if we prohibit AI from contributing to any part of the process.

      Legal Eagle lawyer explains that it’s feasible to generate artwork using AI, and then further modify it using one’s personal input. This alteration could be sufficient to justify that significant human effort has been applied, thereby allowing a claim for copyright.

      Furthermore, the emergence of careers centered on AI is not merely a possibility, but a foreseeable reality. Utilizing detection methods, ironically, can serve to enhance the AI - a characteristic of how Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN AI) function. Consequently, these advancements provide more opportunities, rather than limit them, as some might perceive.