I originally had a 40kg trailer I abused for 4+years and recently upgraded to one rated 80kg. The new one has a support on both sides of the tires like yours, you should be good to go.
If I was to take a long road trip I would invest in an orange flag on a long whip stick (placed on the left back corner of the trailer), and a red flashing light for the trailer (even for the day). But then again, I’m from the US and drivers in The EU tend to be more aware of pedestrians & bikes outside of the motorways.
I have an American BBQ joint, and we’re celebrating our 5th year next month, which is a miracle since we opened 4 months before the COVID lockdowns…lol.
Simply put, more weight to the front of the trailer
https://duckduckgo.com/?q=trailer loading safety&ko=-1&iax=videos&ia=videos&iai=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DqEHD9Wjw3lk
I originally had a 40kg trailer I abused for 4+years and recently upgraded to one rated 80kg. The new one has a support on both sides of the tires like yours, you should be good to go.
If I was to take a long road trip I would invest in an orange flag on a long whip stick (placed on the left back corner of the trailer), and a red flashing light for the trailer (even for the day). But then again, I’m from the US and drivers in The EU tend to be more aware of pedestrians & bikes outside of the motorways.
I have an American BBQ joint, and we’re celebrating our 5th year next month, which is a miracle since we opened 4 months before the COVID lockdowns…lol.