closing in on my 40th book of the year; this should optimistically be read sometime next week

  • Barcelona is laid out very well for pedestrians, very wide streets and some good bike lanes (the diagonal street for sure), but I’ve only been there to visit friends & fam. Drunk driving though, is a thing still.

    I’ve been in the business (cooking) for 35+ years, and we just had to be very careful with finances, had some great neighborhood support, and good food with good prices and it just kept rolling along…not a smooth ride but we’re in a great place now, a lot of places had to keep thier personnel which absolutely sunk them…we hadn’t hired anyone yet and still only have a part time server in the summer high season.

    I watched the Bear until I saw them cooking and only tasting the food after they completed the test plate up… ridiculousness.

    The Menu, however, is a beautiful film.

    OH, also, make sure you have tire liners, helps a lot saving you from flats.(Between the tube and inside of the tire)