I’ve been using Express and had a great experience so far, but I may want to try a Proton subscription for cloud space and more emails. It also comes with a VPN service but I’m a little leary on trying something new. Any thoughts on Proton VPN?

  • It’s quite good and also I like that they largely support Linux. They have phone apps, browser extensions, desktop apps, and even CLIs. They also have downloadable configurations for OpenVPN and WireGuard if you want to go that route. They’ve also got what I assume are fairly basic features of most VPNs like kill switching, private DNS servers, etc.

        • That was my point. They (forum users, I don’t think actual developers) insisted that it’s a middle solution. That I could use the application and whitelist only the browser and that some JS could bypass the VPN and get the real IP.

          I got two years of Nord for that same reason, then two of Proton that’s about to end, so this was probably around 4 years ago.