Decentralized governments/leaders in small communties, decentralized power sources, decentralized market, currency and so on. On top, every community gets own decentralized social network.

  • My personal wet dream would be the street you live on making the decisions for that street like building a traffic light, the block making decisions about say, the plumbing.

    everyone voting in a direct manner every week or month via app. Our representative democracy has been corrupted a long time ago so it is time to change that.

    • How would financing these projects work? Would taxation be on a street level, too? Are you willing to pay for everything that your street needs? A new traffic light or fixing pitholes sounds cheap, but it does get expensive as you scale up. I had to replace four 5x5-foot squares of sidewalk in front of my house a few years ago, and it cost me $5k. Imagine how much it would cost to re-pave a road for an entire block.

      Voting purely for your own self-interest is also a double-edged sword. How sure are you that your neighbors will vote to pay for fixing a ruptured pipe that is next to your house if it doesn’t impact theirs? I once lived in a condo that had a leaky roof over my apartment alone, and the remaining 20+ units kept voting against paying to fix it literally for years. That’s one building. You mtiply that by a.few hundred buildings on a given street, and absolutely nothing will get done, ever.

      • Thats a really good question! Thank you.

        This idea is part of a larger premise so I‘d need to establish a VERY different reality that most of us live in now. Funny enough, your point of people acting out of pure self interest is one part that would go first because these people would not survive the world I‘m imagining.

        Federation is part of anarchism and in most interpretations I‘ve heard and read so far, communities would work for their shared benefit so of course you fix your neighbors roof, otherwise they will not help you in the future.

        •  Chahk   ( ) 
          313 days ago

          so of course you fix your neighbors roof, otherwise they will not help you in the future.

          You know what they say about common sense.

          Back to my condo story. A few years into my fight with them over the leaky roof, a radiology office opened up on the 1st floor’s commercial space. Very quickly the 2nd floor residents came to find out how loud those MRI machines get, and wanted everyone to chip in for installing soundproofing. At that point 3 other units on my floor also began experiencing leaks on their ceilings because turns out water doesn’t stop at apartment boundaries. The people who were voting down fixing the leak were very angry at us for voting down installing soundproofing. They just couldn’t wrap their brains around the idea of shared benefit until it hit them in the face.

    • Have you ever lived in a building block?

      I don’t know in other countries. In Spain we have horizontal property law, that means that a building block is managed by all it’s members. Probably the same in other countries but IDK.

      The thing is that it is a NIGHTMARE. We have not one, but two of the most famous spanish comedy shows are about how hellish building block communities are.

      I know cases were old people have to walk stairs everyday because other members of the block refuse to put an elevator. I wouldn’t want to know what would happen if a few buildings could just choose not to put plumbing, or not to put traffic lights.

      And if I’m correct the US equivalent would be this communities in the suburbs that make “law” that you cut your lawns at 3 inches tall exactly every sunday a 7:03 am, exactly. And become extremely anal to everyone complying to their ridiculous aesthetic ideas.

      People in small communities can be incredibly shitty. I feel like bigger communities tend to grant more rights to people and ensure those rights are applied.