• Nah, it was Coleco/Atari - Coleco lost

        Then Nintendo/Atari - Atari lost

        Then Sega/Nintendo

        Then Sega/Nintendo/Sony - Sega lost

        Then Nintendo/Sony/Microsoft - Nintendo lost, but pivoted to play a different game.

        Then you can throw things in there like 3DO and Jaguar Turbo FX, but they didn’t do so got to be considered contenders in the “war”

          • You must be younger than me. I grew up in the 90s and the Sega/Nintendo rivalry was intense.

            I think it was the SNES/Genesis era when “who has the better graphics” started to matter.

            At the time, I was actually of the opinion that the N64 was a step down from the SNES. Sure the graphics were 3D, but they looked like shit even then. Nintendo really fucked up by sticking with cartridges that generation.

        • Console fidelity wars, from my understanding when I was growing up the improvements in graphics were appreciated but not the sole aspect of whether a game was good, like the way 2005-2025 (and somewhat into 2025 but significantly less so) did

    • Also Nintendo: They are $70. Want an old game? Also $70. Sales? What are those?

      Consoles are such a scam when you think about it, but their low barrier to entry carries them (along with the marketing of course).

      •  thejml   ( @thejml@lemm.ee ) 
        112 days ago

        They don’t have asmany sales, but I’ve definitely scored some good prices on games here and there. They often run 20+% off on first party titles and non-first party gets deep discounts (I scored Rabbids for $4 a while back). I just wish they’d do the equivalent of PS Greatest Hits for like $20.

        For some situations a console is nicer than a PC. Solid, consistent, single unit I can just connect to a TV and play. I’ve got a PC and I prefer it, but the average console is cheaper than my PC was and simpler for non-geek family members to boot up and play on a whim.