I just found this community today and figured I’d kick off some discussion about what people are playing!

As for me, I’m running a cosmic horror campaign with some homebrew insanity rules. The players are stuck in an area with multidimensional beings, and a murderer who’s killing those trying to help the players escape.

  • My whole group is new to Pathfinder, and we were still undecided on Pathfinder 2e vs. D&D 5e after finishing the beginner’s box. So my campaign is designed as a series of short, flexible jobs rather than one long story arc. This lets people completely change up their characters in between missions if they end up not liking their class down the line, will give us early campaign “outs” if we decide to try another different system, and works really well to explain why characters aren’t there if a player has to miss a session.

    The premise is that they’re all employed at the start-up of a huge, extraplanar magical museum. The “owner” hasn’t explored nearly all of it herself. The party is hired to explore the deeper wings of the museum where the dangerous artifacts and mysteries are, help escort tour groups around and save them from getting kidnapped by fey folk, guard it from would-be thieves, take fliers and advertisemends out to nearby towns, and retrieve magical artifacts from dangerous places that would make good museum displays (think Indiana Jones). So far the premise has been lighthearted but the players have brought plenty of drama in with their character backstories, so I’m weaving that in as well (one is part of a cult, one has assassins after them, and so on).