I just found this community today and figured I’d kick off some discussion about what people are playing!

As for me, I’m running a cosmic horror campaign with some homebrew insanity rules. The players are stuck in an area with multidimensional beings, and a murderer who’s killing those trying to help the players escape.

  • Normally I run PFS at our local lodge, so not that interesting.

    I am working on getting Foundry set up to run Beginner Box -> Troubles in Otari -> The Slithering, with some quests and bounties thrown in randomly with an old group that all moved to different regions. I want to follow that up with Abomination Vaults (new characters), and then possibly do something homebrew. I’m starting a masters program in the fall, so pre-built stuff, rather than homebrew is probably what I have to stick with while I juggle school and work.

    I want to use the official adventures to work on my improve, storytelling, voices, etc., so that when I do have the bandwidth to build a homebrew campaign, I’m already well practiced at those skills.

  • I’m a player in an Extinction Curse AP campaign, where we are just shy of level 7, having cleared out the first level of a dungeon. So far I’m enjoying it, playing an Animal Instinct (Snake) Barbarian with Wrestler archetype (the strong-girl of the circus, even came up with my own trick where I use Athletics and the barbarian feat Bashing Charge to burst through large walls set up in the circus for entertainment).

  • Originally this campaign started off as a DnD 5e campaign, but due to WotC’s kneejerk I had a look at pf2e rules and was completely blown away by its cohesiveness and completeness.

    But… Tyranny Of Dragons, where the heroes need to battle the cult of the dragon in order to stop them to summon Tiamat. We’re almost half way and having a blast!

  • Looked at PF2e when the entire WOTC stuff was going down. My 5e campaign was winding down around the same time and most of the group wanted to try PF2e.

    I started Gatewalkers AP in person, with FoundryVTT on a TV layed flat on the table for the battlemaps. Works well enough, and if we ever have to go online for whatever reason it won’t be too much work.

  • About to start a new gm-less co-op campaign with the spouse. It takes place in a setting we’ve been building for years. Basically a gothic horror/steampunk world where the goddess of the sun and healing has died, so there’s no sun and healing/resurrections don’t work as expected. As a result of all the failed resurrections, there’s all sorts of phantoms and abominations roaming the darkness in between the remaining cities. So lots of tension and horror, our favorite thematic elements.

  • My group just finished the Beginner Box and next time they will be welcomed in Jamandi Aldoris Mansion in Restov while I prep the second chapter (it’s damn long, but it’s a hexploration sandbox) of Kingmaker P2.

    I can’t wait!

  • I’m in an evil campaign set in the Scarred Lands setting run by a friend who’s relatively new to the system. He’s morally opposed to running a campaign of anything without blatantly overpowered homebrew, but it has been fun so far.

  • I am running a campaign based in and around (and under) a dwarven metropolis that explores the nature of power, corruption, and what it truly takes to be a God. The players fight to dismantle a mafia that is secretly controlling the city, uncover a demonic cult hell bent resurrecting a dead God, and realize the true cost of power.

  • I’m currently just running the Beginner Box since my group is new to 2e. But we are gearing up to play the Abomination Vaults AP afterward.

    I am porting the AP into my own homebrew world that I used when I was a 5e DM. I have to modify certain elements of the AP to better fit my setting. The biggest changes are going to be related to religions and certain races. My setting doesn’t really have beast races, and religion in my world is less absolute. I use the same religion thing as Eberron, where religions are not able to prove their veracity. There are divine spellcasters and magic, but they can’t really prove that their “god(s)” are real.

  • My whole group is new to Pathfinder, and we were still undecided on Pathfinder 2e vs. D&D 5e after finishing the beginner’s box. So my campaign is designed as a series of short, flexible jobs rather than one long story arc. This lets people completely change up their characters in between missions if they end up not liking their class down the line, will give us early campaign “outs” if we decide to try another different system, and works really well to explain why characters aren’t there if a player has to miss a session.

    The premise is that they’re all employed at the start-up of a huge, extraplanar magical museum. The “owner” hasn’t explored nearly all of it herself. The party is hired to explore the deeper wings of the museum where the dangerous artifacts and mysteries are, help escort tour groups around and save them from getting kidnapped by fey folk, guard it from would-be thieves, take fliers and advertisemends out to nearby towns, and retrieve magical artifacts from dangerous places that would make good museum displays (think Indiana Jones). So far the premise has been lighthearted but the players have brought plenty of drama in with their character backstories, so I’m weaving that in as well (one is part of a cult, one has assassins after them, and so on).

  • I’ve been running my players through Age of Ashes, the first 2e AP. Its pretty good, but you can definitely tell its their first AP in a new system. There are some wild encounters that can stomp your players if you arent careful. I really like how the central mechanic gets the group to travel around the inner sea reagion between books, it ensures that there is always new scenery. My favourite moment came from book 2 where the party was attacking an open cut mine, the druid used shape stone to carve out some of the wall, making it collapse onto the enemies coming up from below.

  • I’ve had lots of 5e experience and some pathfinder 1e experience (honestly really did not enjoy 1e) but I wanted to give 2e a shot, started up The Fall of Plaguestone, all of us are new to the system and we’re absolutely loving it!

  • Finishing up Troubles in Otari and we’ll transition over to Agents of Edgewatch from there. I’ve been trying to set it up by mentioning the big event in Absalom and I’ll have Vandy recommend the PCs to a friend who is looking for new recruits.