• Exposure doesn’t pay the bills.

    It takes upward of 200 streams of a track on Spotify to earn a single penny. 20,000 streams to earn a dollar.

    (For me and my personal expenses, this would mean I would need 40,000,000 streams per month to pay rent/pay bills/eat. I’m dirt poor and live a dirt poor budget. 40,000,000 streams to pay $1400 in rent is INSANE.)

    That “exposure” can still add up to “not paying the bills.”

    Also, if he gains no new listeners? He would have made a huge mistake not angling for more money.

    This guy is being smart, and the rich just want people to THINK that exposure is worth it. Even Oprah pays in exposure and its bullshit. The company has got the fucking money to pay it they just don’t want to.