• right, i read this (the linked README) already, and i was more-so asserting it rather than asking, but thank you for the response nonetheless.

    what i was trying to say is, this software claims to be “Built to last forever” and yet is not built for self hosting, my remark was meant to highlight how these things are fundamentally incompatible. keep in mind it’s not necessarily bad to use a service instead of self-hosting, but i wouldn’t recommend it.

    • That is way over my head as I am genuinely a non technical user. I tried many times to have a statistic page and every time I failed. It may be hard to believe but some things that are trivial for hackers are not trivial for most people. For years, my domain name was going to waste. So my choice was between having a webpage on someone’s server or none at all. If a professional programmer wish to dedicate their very valuable time to make a static page for me for free, I’m all ears :) Until then, Bear Blog seems rather reasonable.