Up to 6, sharing your shareable games library

Adult and child accounts, limit child accounts, approve and pay for child buy requests,

Intended for close household family; can’t join a different one until one year after joining

If a family member gets banned for cheating while playing your copy of a game, you (the game owner) will also be banned in that game. Other family members are not impacted.


  • A pretty good change for how I use Family Sharing. The only detriments seem to be the issue of the game owner being banned for violations of other family members and the 1 year cooldown between leaving and joining a family. Both should be manageable issues, though, if you’re at the point of trusting someone enough to log into their machine with your credentials.

    • Both seem reasonable. The banning is (AFAIK) mostly to prevent cheaters from making made-up familymember steam -accounts, and cheating in games as them. Once one made-up family member is banned, make another.

        • I could be mistaken but I think I read something about being able to choose which games a child member can see and play? If your adult sis is prone to getting banned, just invite her as child, if the system works like that. Sure, the terms “adult” and “child” are more intuitive for regular people, but in essence it’s just “admin/mod” and “member”, no?

      • You’re right. And sure, it’s gonna suck for the twelve legitimate people who lose their access because their sibling is a dickwad, but that’s an okay tradeoff if it prevents a sudden surge of cheats.

        • Not sure if I am reading this wrong, but I think it is just the one that did the cheating and game owner that get banned

          If a family member gets banned for cheating while playing your copy of a game, you (the game owner) will also be banned in that game. Other family members are not impacted.

          Emphasis mine

      • Mhmm, I just noticed it yesterday when I first tried using it. But it doesn’t seem all good, because apparently it only works (without any workarounds) if you are on the same network. My sister, who lives in the same country but 400 km away, couldn’t join upon invitation :c