I am making my way through Yakuza series right now and while playing 5 I realized that I am not that invested into the game’s combat, so I turned it to easy and that just streamlined the combat so much for me. I would recommend to maybe try Yakuza 0 on normal at first and then just switch it to easy if you feel like the gameplay might be dragging on.

  • Does the writing ever get good? I played it for probably six or eight hours, which isn’t a lot in a game like this, but it and the world building felt painfully generic and bland, to the point of being increasingly off-putting the longer I played the game.

    • It’s pretty generic overall, but some parts of the worldbuilding are better than others. It fits together in fun ways, and the later stuff is better, but most of the early-game stuff is bland. Just FYI - I never beat it, but I played about 40 hours in 2015 and right now I’m about 10 hours into a replay.

      I don’t know if it’s just because of the time since I’ve last played, but Re-Reckoning has felt like a lot more of a chore to play than the original. I don’t remember absolutely loving the original, though; it was always pretty mid, I just thought it was charming.

    • I’ve beaten the original and the rerelease several times. it’s pretty generic but the combat animations are cool enough to give it a go when I’m bored. I usually play it on the hardest difficulty but the bow charged spread attack works like a shotgun so it’s very easy to stunlock enemies.

      It’s one of those games where you can overpower enemies quite easily if you prepare, I would not play it on easy though, if the story is bland and the combat is braindead, what’s the point of the game?