A very detailed article about the whole Meta (Instagram/Threads) vs. Fediverse discussions. It’s a long read, but well-worth it if you’re interested in the subject.

  •  Rentlar   ( @Rentlar@beehaw.org ) 
    271 year ago

    If I run my own instance, I can choose who I share with and who I don’t.

    The simple fact of the matter is that I don’t want my data to be Zucc’d, and clearly I’m not the only one who thinks that way.

    • I don’t use any Facebook products for a reason, and I would not want to have to move to a different instance if the one I chose would federate with Meta. And the same goes for other data-hoarding companies out there, in case they try to enter this space.

    •  HiT3k   ( @HiT3k@beehaw.org ) 
      1 year ago

      Exactly, and that’s why the response has been so negative. Every instance that federates with another stores a complete copy of the posts and comments from every federated user.

      If the majority of instances do not defederate from a Meta instance, that Instance will inevitably become the primary destination for discussion, even between and by non Meta-Instance based users, just because the communities in that Instance will be so large and active. And even if they don’t, Meta Instance will have a stored copy of every community whose Instance is federated.

      Meta will then have carte blanche to collect data on a huge collection of users from outside their own Instance.

      I acknowledge that they could get the same data by scraping the public Instances anyway, but still… Fuck all of that.

    • That’s the point of the fediverse: owning your own fediverse experience. This blog post assumes the point of the fediverse is fill distributed connectivity. I see that attitude a lot. And if that’s what people want they deserve that. People deserve to interface with Project 93 how they feel like (be that enthusiastically, cautiously, or not at all)

      • Yeah absolutely. Instances are free to connect with Meta’s product as they please. If that draws a wall between a group of servers refusing to connect with those that do, I’m OK with that.