•  cyd   ( @cyd@vlemmy.net ) 
    1 year ago

    International commentators can’t seem to wrap their minds around the idea that Modi’s BJP is having so much success because Indians, on the whole, like them and think they’re doing a pretty good job.

    Americans in particular tend to think that if you don’t have two equally strong parties duking it out over 50/50 nailbiter elections, it’s not democracy. But plenty of postwar and postcolonial democracies end up with dominant parties, without falling into dictatorship. In Japan, for example, the LDP has held power for something like 95% of the time since WWII, and it’s a pretty healthy democracy.

    • Dictators can also be popular, but that doesn’t make their systems of government democratic. I would suggest you read the article if you haven’t because it discusses both Modi’s popularity and the specific actions he has taken that undermine Indian democracy.

    • I am live in the US. No I do not think that. I think a system that has only 2 parties in not that big an improvement over 1 party. What I would like to see is IRV so many parties can be viable. Frankly it would be good to look more at a proportional representation system, but I do not think that fits into the US structure very well. Sane districts so representation is kind of proportional is at least better then nothing.