How are they retaining staff?

  • Amazon is kinda known for burn and churn. They like have the appearance of a good place to work by not having a dress code, letting people bring dogs in, and being the kind of place that has beer on tap. None of it is worth the burnout though

      • you gotta assume they’ll eventually hire and fire/lose all the usable talent

        I’d like to think that, but Amazon has the benefit (at least in the US) of operating in a country where most people need 2-3 jobs in order to live, so it’s either churn-and-burn or starve.

      •  Kichae   ( ) 
        82 days ago

        Nah. So long they remain the largest comoanies in tech, the FAANG companies have an endless buffet of overconfident and naive new grads to feast on. Entitled kids who will excitedly walk through the door and proudly display their comoany golf shirts to anyone they can trap in a corner while explaining how they’re remaking and reinventing ways to squeeze and manipulate customers in the name of shareholder value.

        • This is, unfortunately, true. The kids of some family friends are trying in the worst way to get in at Amazon or Facebook to make their bones. They figure that they can build their brands by surviving there for four or five years (Amazon’s reputation for burning through people like toilet paper at Wing Wars is well known in the tech industry, and respected), sock money away because they still live at home, and get a jump on the good life.

          I can’t tell 'em what to do. They asked for my advice and gave it. What they do is their problem.