• Incidentally, not even 5 years ago, you could just go on stack overflow and copy and paste a whole topic into your IDE and compile that bitch, and you’d probably wind up with fewer bugs than the normie executives who just learned about ChatGPT yesterday from their 8 year old nephew who uses it to write catfish lovenotes to his teacher from Gordie Howe or some other retired sports guy.

    • Reminds me of the story of the old engineer asked to come in and fix some machine in a factory.

      The engineer inspects the machine, marks it with some chalk, then strikes the chalk mark with a hammer.
      The machine works again.
      The company asks for an itemised invoice after seeing the initial invoice for $10k.
      To which they received:

      • hitting chalk mark with hammer: $1.
      • knowing where to place the chalk mark: $9,999

      GPT suffers from garbage-in garbage-out just as much as a search engine does.
      Knowing how to find search results to fix your specific situation is a skill.
      Utilising GPT for such a task is equally a skill. With the added bonus of GPT randomly pulling the perfect API/Library out of its ass