If you are usually a reddit lurker and are on here, it would be cool if you can try and engage with communities for a bit, just to try and get the ball rolling :)

  • I’ve said it another thread but moderators need to be patient with all of the new people. I made a post trying to get some questions answered and was shit on by a mod for not knowing the rules. I couldn’t even find the sidebar at that point. If that is the attitude new users are met with when making mistakes then new contributions will be limited.

    • I really feel like “rules” for different magazines should be lax at first and just take out the obvious scum or completely irrelevant posts. Ease everyone in. There isn’t even an actual community in most magazines yet because there’s so few people. Let the people come first, then figure out the ins and outs of them.

    • Yeah. Good point. There will be some growing pains and mistakes in posting with all the newbies, like me. I think it will be a slower growth than some Redditors will want, but I was there for over 10 years so I don’t mind a little wait. I think it won’t be that long and I’m already enjoying discovering different communities.