If you are usually a reddit lurker and are on here, it would be cool if you can try and engage with communities for a bit, just to try and get the ball rolling :)

  • I’ve said it another thread but moderators need to be patient with all of the new people. I made a post trying to get some questions answered and was shit on by a mod for not knowing the rules. I couldn’t even find the sidebar at that point. If that is the attitude new users are met with when making mistakes then new contributions will be limited.

    • I really feel like “rules” for different magazines should be lax at first and just take out the obvious scum or completely irrelevant posts. Ease everyone in. There isn’t even an actual community in most magazines yet because there’s so few people. Let the people come first, then figure out the ins and outs of them.

    • Yeah. Good point. There will be some growing pains and mistakes in posting with all the newbies, like me. I think it will be a slower growth than some Redditors will want, but I was there for over 10 years so I don’t mind a little wait. I think it won’t be that long and I’m already enjoying discovering different communities.

    • Welcome. It’s good to know that your comments won’t get deeply buried in a thread that was posted 15 min ago. It’s still a small community so there’s a great chance of good interaction (at least in my experience using it for a few days now).

      • Exactly. Maybe I’m sounding awfully optimistic, but I actually enjoy the slow pace here. Posts can be 1 week old and there are still comments popping up after a while. It also makes interactions more meaningful in a way.

      • That kinda comes with smaller communities, I think.
        I’m sure toxic people will figure out lemmy eventually too, but for now it’s been nice.

        The only subreddit I still care about has been private from the start and has between 300-400 people in it who have been randomly invited over time.
        Post or comment every week and get kicked. On the whole, lemmy reminds me of that place a bit since the communities are smaller and idk how to put this but that feels. … more human?

    • Yeah, turns out reddit notifications made me very anxious. It was never “oh, somebody answered me” it was always “Ugh, what now?!”. I even turned off completely the notificationson my phone, I only knew there were some when I opened the app and saw a number.

      Seeing multiple ones just got me into “Oh, no” territory.

  • I’d like to point out that the upvote/downvote buttons here on kbin don’t behave like you are used to on reddit they are a little different.

    • Up arrow = Upvote on Reddit and Favourite on Kbin - This is very different to reddit
    • Down Arrow = Downvote on Reddit and Reduce on Kbin
    • Boost (at bottom) = On kbin this is the equivalent to a reddit upvote.

    It kinda confused me when I looked at my profile the other day and my reputation was -2

    I’d only made one single post and it had 17 “upvotes” and 2 “downvotes” so the -2 confused me a bit. That’s when I realised the uparrow was not an upvote and didn’t contribute to reputation. I suspect many others don’t understand this either based on the interractions with my other post.

    Edit: To be clear while “fake internet points” are not overly important to me. “Reputation” or similar do give me an indication if I am contributing to a community in a positive and productive manner.

    Seeing -2 made me think “Who have I pissed off?” Till I realised that “Favourites” don’t contribute to reputation.

  • I’m doing this as well. It helps a lot that the user base is smaller (in a good way) here, which means posting something relevant/valuable has a better chance of being noticed, which in turn makes me want to post more.

    Try posting a well thought-out comment in a huge thread on Reddit a couple hours after it was posted… you’ll get lost under all the jokes and puns.

  • Posting as I was once a Reddit lurker who originally made my Reddit account while waiting for my baby to be born… occasionally I wanted to interact with the pregnancy community, breastfeeding community and house plant community. My account was permanently banned/suspended for absolutely no reason at all. It happened when my husband got banned for a comment he made (I would have to ask him the details) but my account was permanently banned a few days after his was. Initially I thought it would be an easy fix! Clearly it was just a simple mix-up! My account was very clearly not my husband’s account. We had much different use patterns etc. plus my username has the word “mama” in it. However, I quickly found that it was not going to be so simple. They basically ignored me. I knew they were reading the messages, but I just kept getting automated responses. At first I thought it would just be the one account that was suspended, since I figured it was tied to my husbands account. So I actually refrained from making a new account as I was waiting for Reddit to tell me the best course of action. It was radio silence on their end. Finally I made a new account and within days it was banned. I knew It was personal when I told them that they hadn’t yet banned my oldest Reddit account made in 2011, which was completely not tied to my husbands account at all… was banned when I told them I had been able to log into that account without issue and that it hadn’t been banned. I never gave them the user name and within a day my account was also permanently banned. They were reading my messages and it felt like they were mocking me. They never could give me a reason for being banned. So, here I am. It was incredibly frustrating and felt embarrassing to be that desperate! At one point I told them I would never stop emailing them until they answered me! Of course I eventually gave up. It feels like they banned be because they didn’t like my husband or me? Who knows. The funny thing is, I had paid for many months for Reddit gold, and could not get legitimate customer service as a consumer- how are they getting away with this??

  • Haven’t posted on Reddit since the blackout, and don’t intend to. Only reason I’m still lurking is because I’m loosely keeping up on SubredditDrama, and manually deleting my comments and posts.

    Developments in lemmy/kbin have been exciting and I’ve been focusing my time here instead of Reddit. Cake Day is the 26th. I plan on wrapping up my account then. Seems fitting after 11 years.

  • Habitual lurker checking in. On kbin and loving the difference in vibe and waiting patiently for the migration to boost the communities I used to frequent.

    I’m trying to boost and upvote as I scroll. I’ve feel like I’ve commented more here than I have in the last several years on reddit.

    Tried to make a beer- themed magazine but I have no clue what I’m doing.