• How about you continue reading a bit further, until you hit the word “and”.

            take a copy of source code from one software package and start independent development

            (emphasis mine).

            Github defines “forking” as just copying, while normally it is understood as copying + further development (creating a “fork” in the development history, hence the name).

            • @sweng No need, I can instead continue reading the “license” and see the word “or”.

              > You may not create, maintain, or distribute

              They disallow creating copies. Plus other things, but already creating the fork by either definition is disallowed. Not to mention, wikipedia is not a legal document while the TOS is, the double-quotes are used because that’s the first time a new term is used, followed by its definition, and that the license is likely using Github’s definition, not wikipedia’s

              • Why on earth would the license use Github’s very niche definition? “Forking” as a software concept has been around for decades longer than Github or it’s “fork” button has existed.

                Also, how about reading the full psragraph?

                You may not create, maintain, or distribute a forked version of the software.

                (emphasis mine). It only does what you think it does if forking = copying. Which it doesn’t.

                Question to you: Github provides a button labeled “Download ZIP” for downloading a .zip-file containing the source. If I press that button, am I in your opinion creating a fork?

                • @sweng And to your question: I’d say no, downloading as zip is not a fork, either by github TOS (because they say the copy must be in a repo) nor by the license, because they specifically define the term “Modify”, and saying that an exact copy is ok, as long as you don’t distribute it or “fork” it - which is exactly why “fork” here means the “Fork” button of github.

                  Do you think that Download ZIP = fork? It sounds to me like it doesn’t fit the wikipedia definition either, so what’s your point?

                  • So you also agree that copying is not forking as it is commonly understood?

                    Do you then claim that the license refers ro “fork” as defined in a specific service’s TOS (without referencing said servixe at all)?

                    Otherwise I don’t see how you can come to the conclusion that “forking” in the license does not also necessify modification (which is what the common meaning is).