I’m curious about what you think on how it will affect the Linux community and distros (especially RHEL based distros like Fedora or Rocky).
I’m curious about what you think on how it will affect the Linux community and distros (especially RHEL based distros like Fedora or Rocky).
Fedora is RedHat initiated / donated, and community owned and operated. RedHat has always used free work from Fedora to put together their downstream RedHat builds, much as Canonical uses Debian testing for Ubuntu LTS. Fedora isn’t changing, just one of the downstream users of their source code. I do think it is indeed a good idea to keep an eye on things and make your decision based on how project governance goes, but too many parties are doing this kind of stuff with Linux upstream Linux distroes all the time to worry about it IMO. If you ask me, if you wanted to prevent a big cloud company from profiting from your free testing, the time to bail from Fedora was when Amazon introduce Amazon Linux in 2011. They’ve been making money off your free work for over a decade, and more than RedHat likely ever will, to boot.