After having chronic pain for numerous years, I finally found a doctor who believed that a healthy 20-something could have chronic pain. Two MRIs later, arthritis was found in my spine (C3-C5, L3-L5). Since then, I’ve been put on pain medication and undergone radio frequency ablations.

I’ve never met anyone else with arthritis in their spine. If you’re out there, please chime in!

  •  xuxxun   ( ) 
    11 year ago

    I was supposed to have an appointment today with a rheumatologist… And i had to reschedule because I have cold like symptoms…it got rescheduled … And the visit will be in half a year. So I still have no idea. Congratulations on your diagnosis.

    •  Nugget   ( ) OP
      31 year ago

      Definitely look for other doctors! I went to a rheumatologist and they ran blood tests, found nothing, and said I had fibromyalgia. I was not amused. There are actual doctors who study pain, see if you can find one!

        •  Nugget   ( ) OP
          31 year ago

          Tiring is a great word for it. Fighting for people to listen takes so much emotional capital, it’s so sad that it has to be that way. But once you find a good specialist, it will all be worth it!