The sub went missing while carrying five people to the wreckage of the Titanic.

  • The game controller thing gets meme’d to death, but I don’t think people focus on the right thing.

    Xbox controllers are also used by the US Navy, among other branches of the military.

    These are GOOD pieces of engineering, and they’re tested by millions of users under pretty strenuous conditions. However, the controller the Oceangate was using was some shitty-ass third-party controller that you can get for peanuts off Amazon.

    THAT, IMO, is the issue that this piece of equipment illustrates. A solid Xbox Series S controller is $60 on Amazon, and you’re telling me you had to go for cheaper?

    • I don’t think the fact that the controller was wireless gets highlighted enough. Bluetooth devices have a hard time working above sea level and you’re expecting it to work 3800m below the surface. Delusional.

          • Well yes, if they use something in a way specifically contraindicated by the nature of the technology then that’s problematic.
            Do you have evidence that this was the case, or are you moving the goal posts to the “no shit sherlock” zone for an easy win?

            • Do you have evidence that this was the case, or are you moving the goal posts to the “no shit sherlock” zone for an easy win?

              Don’t put on me your burden of proof.

              Well yes, if they use something in a way specifically contraindicated by the nature of the technology then that’s problematic.

              Well, turns out they did. So now that we have established that they don’t follow protocol, are you going to show us their design or are you going to reddit your way out of this conversation?

                • Source that they did? I’ve seen nothing to support that to date.

                  That’s exactly my point, no one here has any source about the design. Why don’t YOU ask the people above about THEIR source?

                  Do you have evidence that this was the case, or are you moving the goal posts to the “no shit sherlock” zone for an easy win?

                  Don’t act surprised when I answer you the same way you answer me. Now either you bring some source to support the question that was made by someone above you or I’m done. I’m not your source magic machine.

                  The person who started this chain of conversation is gone btw. I don’t know the point you are trying to make.

                  • The guy above is correct, altitude has no effect on the BT transmission. You can assume they used the tech in a way it can’t (or nearly can’t) be used if you want, I guess. I’m not going to go and prove that they didn’t because that was your assertion, not mine. The vessel had many successful dives before this happened, so logic would dictate that the wireless implementation was working.

              • I mean, the sub had reached Titanic several times, right?

                So even without the design documents, we know it was previously capable of operating at depth.

                Which we means we know the hull wasn’t made of cotton candy, we know it wasn’t propelled under water by an internal combustion engine, and we know it wasn’t controlled by a device that stops working in water.

      • Does higher air pressure affect Bluetooth signals?

        Also, buy better Bluetooth devices, I haven’t had to deal with disconnections with quality modern gear outside of battery issues. My first run steam controller hasn’t given me any issues with wireless connections while playing, and all of my headphones stay connected to the proper device even when I’m stupid far away (like, I left my phone in the car and I didn’t notice any drop in quality until after I entered the store).

    • Also, backups: the controller doesn’t bother me that much UNLESS they had no redundancies for it failing plus checklists. I.E. controller battery dies, use second controller, use wired controller, use control screen, etc. And backup mechanical linkages for critical stuff. I don’t know the details but if they lacked these things, then they are (were) definitely morons.

      •  wjrii   ( ) 
        1 year ago

        For what it’s worth, in one of the old videos the CEO did, he mentioned that they kept two or three of the controllers on board. I think the stuff about game controllers and RV gear is overblown and almost certainly not what caused the problem. The bigger issue to me is the fact that they picked “exotic” materials for the pressure vessel (which while strong, are more brittle and fail more dramatically than steel), didn’t get them properly tested or certified, and if they somehow had been found adrift, put no engineering effort into escape or communication in an emergency.

        Though thinking about it, I guess the game controller thing is relevant, at least to the extent it points at a pennywise and pound-foolish operation trying to value-engineer a business to go to the bottom of the god-damn ocean. Carbon fiber and tungsten sound amazing, until you realize that a big part of using them was to create a vessel big enough for 5 that was also small and light enough that it could be toted aboard any ship they could rent, and would then be set free from its launch sled by dudes undoing bungee cords.

    • The navy uses wired controllers to operate periscopes, not wireless ones, and not for anything mission critical. Although I think I remember reading some military drones are or were at one point using controllers because they’re easy to train people on, but those are unmanned.