TL:DW Steam has now changed its language from buy game to A purchase of a digital product grants a licence to the product on steam. This may also be non compliant with the new regulation as it still uses the word purchase. Also GOG used this opportunity to let you know their games come with an installer that they cannot take away from you.

  • I use FreeTube client, which does not have Google account support (that’s one of the reasons to use it actually). But just for commenting and interacting with others, I still open Firefox to just discuss. I hate YouTube, but this is worth it to me.

      • BTW FreeTube blocks YouTube ads too, plus it has integration for SponsorBlock. In case you are not familiar with it, its a community driven extension where Sponsor seqments (which are not detected as ads) are then marked or jumped over. And it has two modes you can switch to, the native mode (which Google still gets your IP but works most of the time. And secondly the Invidious mode, which breaks from time to time but Google doesn’t know anything.

        I have an exception for YouTube with uBlock Origin. Because at that time when it started I did not know if account could get banned or not for using it. Since I’m used to watch on alternative clients, I leave it as it is now.