I’ve just rediscovered my childhood Gameboys, I grew up in the 90s and had an original, a color, an advance and an sp. My game collection has whittled down over the year to the usual suspects, Pokemons, Zelda’s, Mario’s and some other standards. But I want to dive into some games that 7 year old me would have brushed over. So what’s your favorite game?

  • I’m a pretty bad gamer, so some of these may be nostalgia but!

    GB: Donkey Kong Land 2, Kirby’s Dream Land, and Tetris Attack

    GBC: Survival Kids is the only one not a “Mario, Zelda, or Pokemon”. (Check out Legend of Zelda, The: Oracle of Ages and Seasons if you never have. They are one of the best 2D Zelda IMHO. I love Link to the Past and even the sequal but Ages and Seasons hits different)

    GBA: Advance Wars, you’d prob need to emulate this one but definitely Boktai: The Sun Is in Your Hand, the Breath of Fire remakes are really good, Lunar Legend, I liked Fusion better than Zero Mission, but they are both good. The Monster Rancher games are alright for handheld, Onimusha Tactics, Tactics Ogre: The Knight of Lodis, and Yggdra Union: We’ll Never Fight Alone (I also suggest The Minish Cap rofl).

    This isn’t exhaustive, just some ones I remembered loving. I also emulate, so I have no clue how easy it is to find them physically.