We’ve been anticipating it for years,1 and it’s finally happening. Google is finally killing uBlock Origin – with a note on their web store stating that the …

  • Good news, there is cross device syncing. You just have to make a Firefox account. That might be a no go for some folks, but it is an option. If Firefox on mobile is slower, I have not noticed the difference. Have they just refused to try it?

    • I think they know about the cross device syncing but yeah think it’s too slow. Idk how long it’s been since they used it.

      There is an issue I’ve had with Firefox on Android that I’ve tried to fix but haven’t been able to, where the first time I load a website in like… An hour or 2, it takes a long time to load. After that everything is pretty quick but the first load after the app has been suspended (is my guess) is slow

        • Yes that would actually be very helpful! I’ve had trouble doing that on the android version, and I have heard that can help show what exactly is causing the issue. I have heard some settings on ublock can cause this (which I have tried tinkering with)

      • Yeah Firefox on Android is extremely so for me at times. I’ve never noticed it specifically being on the first page load after a while, but I haven’t been paying that much attention. I use firefox on mobile so that I can install ublock, because when I’ve tried to use a DNS-based solution in the pass I ran into all kinds of issues with battery drain, but the experience does leave a little to be desired at times.