For me, it was that the Internet never forgets and that you should never enter your real name. In my opinion, both of these rules are now completely ignored.

  •  saigot   ( ) 
    5 months ago

    In a forum system that sorts by last comment that can be annoying. Which is why most systems seem to have moved away from that, it was one of the big innovations of reddit back when it started. But in a format where it doesn’t get more visibility for getting comments I don’t see why it’s a bad thing, just stop reading when you deem the topic done.

    During thr brief window between reddit apps dying and the old archive rule being revoked getting comments on old tech support posts with follow ups and/or additional questions was pretty great, and definitely worth the occasional whitenoise posts (“thanks!” " seeing the same problem in 2024" “I clearly didn’t read the whole thread and am asking something already answered” etc etc).