• Animal ethics isn’t just about whether other animals are being harmed or killed, it’s also about being against exploitation. They might not be able to think in quite the same way that we do, but it’s still clear that they have their own wills and lives of their own that they want to live. It’s worth asking ourselves if we really want a society that’s willing to exploit and turn other thinking beings into commodities, even the ones whose thinking appears to be so much more rudimentary than our own.

    It’s easy to dismiss them because they’re “just bugs”, but presently bugs of all species are facing radical population declines with all the ecological instability - maybe even looming collapse - that brings. Maybe we collectively might be more willing to protect bug populations and do more to protect our environments if more of us stopped to analyze our anti-bug bias and considered that they have a natural right to life like we do. The planet does not exist solely for us.

    Also, honey is essentially a refined sugar that’s no better healthwise than table sugar. Date sugar/powder is a sweetener made of whole fruit and is a much better choice. Plus, it’s just weird to want to eat the vomit of other species anyway.

    •  Cethin   ( @Cethin@lemmy.zip ) 
      97 hours ago

      As for the exploitation, all living things have their own lives. Even plants seem to be able to communicate to some degree and can be stressed and stuff. Either you’re OK exploiting living things to some degree or you die. The level of exploitation is what should be discussed. Is beekeeping harmful to bees? I don’t know, but it doesn’t seem like it.

      As for it being sugar, sure. Sugar isn’t bad though. Sugar is bad when consumed in the quantities the average American consumes it. It also has other properties that make it pretty good for your health. For example, I think it’s good for preventing allergies because it contains pollen (I might be making this up, but it seems like I’ve read that somewhere).

      Plus, it’s just weird to want to eat the vomit of other species anyway.

      Do you realize that fruit is the ovary of a plant? Life is weird. Get over it. Weird is not a word that should come into a discussion of ethics.

      • The “what about plants” argument is such a thoroughly debunked joke argument that it’s amazing anyone would continue to make it. Eating animals and their secretions requires harming significantly more plants than eating the plants directly because animals need to be fed too, and animals as food is by far the least efficient and most environmentally destructive way to have a food system.

        • Not with bees not.

          Eating plant based sugar will kill and harm more animals that bee produced sugar.

          Or do you think that agricultural process does not kill bugs?

          I would argue that eating honey instead of plant based sugar would be more vegan.

          In general drawing the line of veganism with bugs is… Complicated. As you really cannot have agriculture without killing bugs.

          You need pesticides, or some form of plage control. You need to harvest plants that surely will have animals in them. And you’ll need to clean the vegetables of bugs before consumption.

        •  Cethin   ( @Cethin@lemmy.zip ) 
          7 hours ago

          It’s not an argument. It was a consideration that should be weighed if you’re being consistent. Your response is not accurate though. You’re referring to most farmed animals. Bees do not require this and is what the post is about. There are many animal products that do less harm than plant products. Farming plants requires large areas of land to be cleared for farming and replaced with what is likely not a native species. This can’t be good for native animals. If you’re comparing the harm done by almonds and honey, honey is almost certainly better for harm reduction, yet it’s an animal product, not a plant product.

      • Context matters. In the ancient world starvation was a constant threat, so a source of concentrated calories like honey could in some cases be a matter of life and death despite the dangers of getting that honey. In industrial society we have in many cases the opposite problem - the majority of the top causes of death are lifestyle diseases which ultimately come down to overconsumption and sedentary lifestyles. Too much dietary fat, especially too much saturated fats, too much sugar, too much refined foods, too much concentrated calories, too much easily consumed liquid calories.

        By contrast vegans by far have the easiest time maintaining balanced bodyweight levels.

        If you all could learn to let go of your prejudice you might learn to recognize that doing the right things for animal’s rights is also some of the best things you could do for yourself. These “vegans” you hate so much are just trying to get you to stop self-harming.

        • I think they’re making a comment on the way vegans communicate their worldview to others, not necessarily a fixation on honey.

          There’s also an argument that diet should contribute to thriving, not simply existing in the most convenient way to balance bodyweight.

          If your goal is to build strength and muscle, an all vegan diet will be less effective than supplementing a similar diet with animal proteins. Every few years, a top contact sport athlete will give a full vegan diet a go, but they invariably fall back on animal protein because they can’t build the mass required.

          Ultimately, it’s all individual choice and body chemistry.

        • I’ve come to understand that the healthiest people aren’t vegans.

          It’s just that despite often lacking certain nutrients, vegan diets tend to enforce being at least kind of healthy unless you go ridiculously overboard on fruit or vegan junkfood.

          But eating beef/honey/eggs being “self-harming”? Fuck you very much.

          I am completely disinterested in your arguments, and will continue buying ridiculously good foods from abusive sources. Sources that I’d prefer to regulate in terms of animal rights, but every time that comes up, you people divert the conversation to “if you’re not gonna be vegan you’re evil either way so it doesn’t matter” and everyone tunes out.

          • Sources that I’d prefer to regulate in terms of animal rights, but every time that comes up, you people divert the conversation to “if you’re not gonna be vegan you’re evil either way so it doesn’t matter” and everyone tunes out.

            Pack it up, vegans. This person was going to wish upon a star to regulate animal agriculture, which would’ve done it, but we just had to go and advocate for making material changes on a level we have control over, and that forced them to be explicitly fine with abuse. If only we had your thoughts and prayers, what a horrible miscalculation on our part.

            •  Comment105   ( @Comment105@lemm.ee ) 
              5 hours ago

              Thoughts and prayers? No. Fines. Potentially jailtime. Potentially forcing them to sell farms and factories.

              But you do not want it. You’re delusional and thinking the animals will just have to endure for a little while longer while you’re working on getting the entire planet to switch to a vegan diet.

              Besides, you need the worst cases to stay around.

              You need to film conversion content, and it’ll have to be fresh and gruesome content to be effective.

                  •  OBJECTION!   ( @Objection@lemmy.ml ) 
                    44 minutes ago

                    Oh, which candidate that supports those things you mentioned were you going to vote for but now aren’t? Love to hear even a single name.

                    Of course, you can’t answer that, because that’s not a realistic path in the short term. Let’s say you were going to run for office on that platform. First, the major corporations that have a vested interest in keeping things the way they are are going to dump money into the opposition. Second, people will oppose it because it would increase the price of meat - they’ll say you’re an elitist who wants to make it so that only the rich can have access to it, and emphasize the effect it’ll have on grocery bills. They’ll also talk about the environmental impact your regulations would cause, since it would take more land to treat animals humanely. And they will also call you a hypocrite for refusing to give up meat while calling the production process unethical, to the point of being deserving of jail time.

                    So explain to me how exactly you would’ve overcome those obstacles, if only us mean insidious vegans weren’t so preoccupied with asking you to give up your treats.