This is a big problem. It creates the illusion that /c/cats on one particular instance is the real /c/cats.

This is the root of re-centralization and it must be pulled out.

  • Beehaw is defederated from two major popular instances and in talks with the admins of those instances about the path for refederation. I’m looking at this post from beehaw. You are taking an event, recasting it as something it isn’t, and trying to use that as evidence of a point. And in fact, you seem to be suggesting that instances that aren’t moderated how you want should be defederated. Which. Yes. That’s. That’s the point. That’s what Beehaw did. And they’re even communicating about how to move forwars

    • That’s all well and good, but in the mean time, the point stands that less technical users are confused about what Lemmy is, should they join, etc. A “front page” hosted by a neutral foundation, where users could see what is happening with the entirety of the fediverse in an easy to understand way would be, IMO, invaluable.