Entwistle boo.
💩 🫘
Entwistle boo.
The pricing scheme here is designed to gouge businesses for equal or more than the traditional non-cloud equivalent. Which happens to be completely unaffordable. Imagine buying a new enterprise grade server for your home setup.
Lol. They all look the same. I think maybe AI has a bias toward pictures online?
Resume field would get an api endpoint that only returns a json resume, and only if the request header is application/json. And the json resume would have embedded json.
We should just use second notation for everything.
I’ll be there in 5 min? I’ll be there in 2 or 3 hundo!
See you tommorow? See you in in 86K!
Next week? About half a Megasec!
Doesn’t Megasecond sound better than Fortnite?
Ah yes, the “local taxi lobby.” Uber helped show a lot of us what a fucking joke that is, not just in Ottawa.
Innovation, choice, quality and freedom are the choice spices for capitalism soup. These shit-cook-legislators kept sprinkling in taint like protectionism, cronyism, extortion and corruption thinking nobody would notice. Well guess what? Now it’s just taint soup.
Why does it matter who’s serving you taint soup? The problem is there’s no other soup and they keep telling you it’s fine.
I had a “bearstein effect” moment just now. I had thought wireshark sold out. Like “Wireshark by Rapid7,” but i just checked and it looks like they’ve stayed the FOSS course! Way to go!
I’m not sure it’s as crystallized as that yet, but I agree with your sentiment. Everyone should have the right to choose to die but if the reason is “there was no other option,” then, we should be damn well sure we offered everything we could. Let’s not be taking societal shortcuts to “oh well, we gave it our best shot.”
I support someone’s right to end their own suffering, 100%, but it is very bad form to: be ABLE to help someone, INGORE that they are suffering, but SMILE while helping them polish their gun.
Vendor lock-in is 100 times worse today than it was 20 years ago. It’s vile, insidious and borderline cruel. Microsoft doesn’t want to work with anyone, they never have and they never will.
Any feelings of openness and cooperation you get from them is engineered, from the ground up, to ensure that they are in a position of control over you.
Their crack security team is not the result of some spontaneous and sudden desire to protect their customers. It’s a consequence of having to constantly triage the financial impacts of a never-ending stream of critical vulnerabilities.
Labelling this proprietary shit “ecosystems” is insulting to ecosystems. They mere notion that you should be using Microsoft software to monitor, secure and protect your Microsoft software is downright ridiculous.
Microsoft is not the only, and maybe not even the worst, in a long list of hand-wringing, life-sucking, progress-hindering companies who people will willingly defend because these companies have forced their way into becoming a part of our identities.
And now the ENTIRE INSTANCE for lululemon, who’s bot posts 1000 times a minute.
We’ve changed our name to Israel. - The Admins.
True that. If you look at posts on lemmy.world though, it’s clear their users (which is like 50% of Lemmy) have zero clue they’re defederated ATM, and probably many that don’t know it’s compromised.
It’s unresolved.
Guys, the new Israel lemmy instance has a lot of content I like, but some images I don’t agree with. should we defederate?
They are still acting on it, seems.
I didn’t want to say it, because I wanted to believe :(
That’s fair. I shouldn’t have said “replace reddit.”
mastodon.world seems okay, but whos to say where the silos are between that and lemmy.world.
I love the idea of taking on a monopoly, but I don’t like that, without regulation, it has a low chance of success, and the consumer gets to suffer as the monopoly fights back.