• A burning building doesn’t get put out by watching it burn. And the fire can in fact spread to the next building. Things can always get worse because there is no bottom. Things will only get better by making them better.

          The accelerationists got what they wanted. And everyone, including them, are worse off for it. We’ve gone from not utilizing the limited time window, to avert the worst of climate change, to choosing to use that time to pollute as much as possible. We may in fact succeed in reaching 5°C before 2100.

          • Things will only get better by making them better.

            And people are lazy and don’t try, so things always get worse until things get bad enough that people get fed up with the things and do something about them.

            For the last four years, people have been acting like they don’t need to get off their asses and fundamentally change their way of life to address climate change because there was a Democrat in office. Now the Democrats aren’t going to save them and they don’t have a choice if they want a habitable planet for their grandkids.

            • Accelerationists suppressing the vote with their rhetoric is part of how we got here. They are the ones who intentionally went out of their way to fail and make other people fail as well. If laziness bothers you, then this should drive you up the wall.

              It was not the Democrats who were going to save us. It was we the people who would save our democracy with our votes.

              • Accelerationists didn’t depress the vote, the pro-fracking genocide apologist who tried to appeal to Republicans instead of her own base did.

                The Democrats were never going to save us, only we can save us. The lazy people are those who thought voting alone would be sufficient and won’t re-engage with politics until the next election.

                • We knew who the Democrats and Republicans are. The Democrats are neoliberals. The Republicans are fascists. We have a democracy as long as we can keep it. If we lose our democracy we have no one to blame but ourselves. We elected Biden last cycle. We could have elected Harris this cycle. We failed to do so.

                  The Democrats were never going to spontaneously become populist this cycle. Harris’ campaign was at least progressive leaning before DNC consultants ran into the ground. Our job was to spread the word to vote for Harris and how it would be useful for advancing progressive and socialist causes over time.

                  Instead accelerations spread the propaganda that Harris and Trump were the same on Israel’s genocide and that people needed to protest vote. Not enough people voted this election in part because of that. We failed to use our tool, the Democratic Party, to prevent fascism.

                  It’s not lazy to think voting was sufficient. The only way to win was to get enough votes. That’s how democracy works. People spread pro-democracy messages as best we could. We lost the election to fascism. Now we need to organize, because there isn’t necessarily going to be a next election. Hopefully there will, but we may need mass protests if we even want a shot at another election.

                  Also, Trump threatened to arrest top Democrats. It seems like the Democratic Party could be dead by the next presidential election.

                  • We have a democracy as long as we can keep it. If we lose our democracy we have no one to blame but ourselves.

                    The purpose of a system is what it does, and America has never done Democracy. Our government is designed to limit choice to only those candidates that the owners of this country find acceptable, and this system is not threatened by the electoral failure of the Democrats, or even the loss of an entire major party, so long as the capitalists own any new party that rises to replace it.

                    Electoralism is a trap. Voting won’t save us. We have to save us, and we aren’t all going to make it unless we can start working together outside of the existing political establishment.

        • Accelerationists have never been right, their argument is self-defeating.

          The heart of the accelerationist argument is equating red and blue, claiming the blues’ inability to completely undo the damage of the reds is intentional and makes them no better – that the purpose of a system is what it does.

          But by that logic, the purpose of accelerationism is to enable fascist ascent, and that makes them indistinguishable from fascists.