it’s election day–go vote if you haven’t already

  •  Alice   ( ) 
    202 months ago

    I know this is selfish and stupid but everyone is so wound up about the election that I didn’t really get a birthday this year. Half my family didn’t even text me.

    A friend still wanted to do a birthday dinner so I texted my sibling asking if they were free, but they somehow missed that it was about my birthday plans and they were having a breakdown (not about the election) so we had to cancel birthday plans to keep them company. I shouldn’t complain because I love my sibling, but whenever I told my family about mental health stuff, they always just yelled at me and made it worse. I don’t understand why they suddenly believe in depression and think depressed people deserve support.

    Also like I said, I know it’s selfish and stupid, but I just wanted a day to pretend things were normal before I start scraping money together for my passport and getting my tubes tied.