The exchange is about Meta’s upcoming ActivityPub-enabled network Threads. Meta is calling for a meeting, his response is priceless!

  • The FOSS community is wary due to “embrace, extend, extinguish” approach by various tech giants in the past. When a tech giant suddenly want to embrace federation while offering no details whatsoever, people are right to be wary.

    • The flipside is that a standard’s not really open and a network founded on one isn’t really resilient if certain groups or corporates arbitrarily aren’t seen as “allowed” to use it, or if conversely a big corporate joining it is so toxic to the entire endeavour that it must be blocked on sight.

      Chris Trottier, someone who I disagree with quite a lot and is a far bigger advocate for decentralisation as a public good than I am, is quite sanguine about P92 on those grounds.

      Personally, I have no plans on my instances to submit P92 to any more stringent rules than I would with any other server blocks, that is I will give them exactly enough rope to hang themselves with.

      • Quoting Chris Trottier here:

        Okay, if your community can’t survive Meta using ActivityPub, then it doesn’t deserve to exist.

        I disagree with him as strongly as possible. That view is to the point of abhorrent. The problem at the core is that he and everybody in the “let’s allow Meta in” group is that they see it as this big machine everybody should be using, while the rest of us care so much less about that than about the communities that have formed and have been slowly growing here, that are about to be strip-mined by Meta as they do EEE.

        We do NOT need to wait and see, we have years of experience of Meta’s modus operandi, and the communities of the Fediverse just cannot survive their invasion. And we don’t want that!