this post has been making the rounds on Mastodon, for good reason. it’s nominally a post about the governance and community around C++, but (without spoiling too much) it’s written as a journey packed with cathartic sneers at a number of topics and people we’ve covered here before. as a quick preview, tell me this isn’t relatable:

This is not a feel good post, and to even call it a rant would be dismissive of the absolute unending fury I am currently living through as 8+ years of absolute fucking horseshit in the C++ space comes to fruition, and if I don’t write this all as one entire post, I’m going to physically fucking explode.

fucking masterful

an important moderator note for anyone who comes here looking to tone police in the spirit of the Tech Industry Blog Social Compact: lol

  •  V0ldek   ( ) 
    4 months ago

    I am about halfway through but it’d really help if someone could maybe do a TL;DR about the C++ features that are mentioned in this post.

    Like what the fuck are profiles? Modules? C++ has modules? Half of my current job is in C++ and I have no idea what any of those things are. Which seems to be a common problem with C++, e.g. I’ve recently learnt that something for garbage collection used to exist, but it was scrapped and removed from the standard before I’ve first heard of it.

    It’s hard to understand the reddit comments linked without this context and the post itself is like an hour-long read.

    EDIT: Okay I see profiles are explained in a section later, but modules are not? Also they’re explained in opposition to “contracts” which I’ve also never heard of and jesus fucking christ, this language is a hellhole

    EDIT2: I’ll add operator . to the list of plot important characters that get no introduction if you’re not familiar with the C++ Extended Universe