The exchange is about Meta’s upcoming ActivityPub-enabled network Threads. Meta is calling for a meeting, his response is priceless!

  • Meta is not going to “use” this technology, they want to own it. And you can be certain they will try their best to build a walled garden with a Facebook login, so the masses pick their form of fediverse rather than the one not controlled by big tech.

    Peoples negativity comes from experience with these corporations. You are probably pretty young if you don’t see how bad they are.

    • the masses pick their form of fediverse rather than the one not controlled by big tech.

      You say this as if the masses are currently interested in fediverse in general, and give a shit about whether it’s controlled by big tech or not.

      Fact is most people don’t know about fedi and a great deal of those who do don’t care, and the only chance you’ll get them anywhere near a fediverse service if someone (be that Meta, or anyone else) wraps it up in a little bow for them and delivers it to them.