Can’t they discover the world beyond? Weren’t they humans; don’t they have the mind to move on and focus on something else, since trauma and grief will run its course, sooner or later, and not just haunt the living?

If I were a ghost, I’d be tired of acting like one… even if I was murdered or otherwise died untimely

With the exception of Casper the Ghost, I don’t think I’ve seen the alternative take on it

This presupposes ghosts do exist, though I believe ye skeptics would tell me no, which, alright, you win the argument

  • Most of the ghosts at Hogwarts in Harry Potter seem to either actively enjoy being a ghost or at least not mind it and just carry on doing stuff (like assist the pupils)

    That aside, plenty stories have the ghost relive the moments before their death involuntarily, over and over. So for them it’s nothing they can control.

    But I’m with you: If I were not trapped in this deathloop (or bound to one location) and were able to be seen by other humans, I would definitely not be gloomy, once I got over the fact that I died and can no longer interact in all the usual ways with my spouse and dogs. Even if I could not do crazy telekinetic stuff, I could at least wander nature, haunt bad politicians and give my spouse inside knowledge, which she can possibly make a lot of money from to buy a house for us.