• cw: mention of genital anatomy




    whoa… this is super interesting. lowkey i’n curious if it’s a dysphoria thing. i’ve definitely noticed that, since being on testosterone, things function better down there if i regularly errr massage the vagina. but i could imagine that a lot of trans guys can’t or don’t want to because of dysphoria… and you might not see this in pre-testosterone transmasc folks since you don’t have it causing the PCOS effects… maybe it’s sort of the equivent of how trans girls gotta use or lose their dick

    i had a friend who has been super worried about me suffering some kind of horrible infection due to atrophy (she had another transmasc friend who went through that). i was also worried about it for a while, until i discovered the aforementioned relationship re: massage above

    i also wonder if this also applies to transmascs on testosterone who have had vaginectomies… godddddd i should go back to school so i can do research…

    •  S4GU4R0   ( @S4GU4R0@lemm.ee ) 
      23 months ago

      i made a longtermtestosterone community on here for people who’ve been on it on long time to share their experiences, because i had a similar reaction you did. i want to learn more, but most spaces are people talking about barely starting t. nothing wrong with that. i just am looking for more specific information.

    •  S4GU4R0   ( @S4GU4R0@lemm.ee ) 
      23 months ago

      the dysphoria is more likely to cause someone to not seek help, which would cause it to get worse. that’s when you see the the scary symptoms. i literally fainted when reading one study about it a few weeks back, because it was too graphic for me. i don’t mind blood and do my own shots, but when you start getting detailed about going inside out – i’m out like a light lol.

      they don’t really know what causes it but it seems to be that whatever hormone your organs are used to producing, if it lessens, the muscles of the pelvic floor, regardless of the type of gonad, get weaker and smaller. these muscles are responsible for holding your bladder and rectum and help push pee and poop out of your body. the bladder and rectum do work too, but they do it with the help of these muscles. so it can present itself as urinary and fecal abnormalities.

      that said, sometimes it presents as pain when bottoming from the front. so there are indeed people on t out there who have no problem using it and are still “losing” it, to use your phrasing.

      long way to say, fuck if i know lol.