I found it caught in a loose string wrapped around it’s leg and released it. After a couple days I’ve noticed it’s been chewing through it’s leg, now, and it’s in a lot of pain I’m sure. The mother won’t care for it either.

These cats are wild and I can’t seem to catch all of them before they start reproducing, for the past 2 years I have been spaying and neutering these cats, but more keep showing up.

I live out in the country in the US, and I haven’t been able to get anyone to come take the cats, it’s like I’m just stuck with them. A few of them are outdoor family cats, and we don’t want to lose those.

I don’t know what to do about any of it, I can’t afford another pet bill right now, especially a bill for a kitten needing so much care. Any recommendations are appreciated. I live in KY, United States

  • That used to be common opinion, but do you have anything to back that claim? Newer vets and rescuers have found even adults CAN be tamed, depending on their temperment.

    Still, a professional or someone with a foster background would be great for the OP to reach out to. Cats aren’t like pigs, they don’t change all that much physically from being feral.