I personally never understood dropping out when something like this happeneds. Like bro now you got the money to have the degree and not worry about paying it off. Might as well have it just to have it
In some ways I understand it though. I’m sure the pecking order and bragging rights of being one of the only fans people that makes enough money to classify yourself in like the top 5% of income earners in America is probably more thrilling and exciting than having a PhD.
Plus, if she’s going for her PhD she probably already has her master’s degree so it’s not like she gave up academia entirely without getting anything from it.
That being said, I still agree with you. If you were close enough to be in the program you might as well just finish it off. What’s it going to do, stop you from posting your photos on only fans?
I personally never understood dropping out when something like this happeneds. Like bro now you got the money to have the degree and not worry about paying it off. Might as well have it just to have it
In some ways I understand it though. I’m sure the pecking order and bragging rights of being one of the only fans people that makes enough money to classify yourself in like the top 5% of income earners in America is probably more thrilling and exciting than having a PhD.
Plus, if she’s going for her PhD she probably already has her master’s degree so it’s not like she gave up academia entirely without getting anything from it.
That being said, I still agree with you. If you were close enough to be in the program you might as well just finish it off. What’s it going to do, stop you from posting your photos on only fans?
Academia is misogynist enough without an OF account. She’s leaving a shitty job not just a low paying job.
I know right? Imagine how much more a doctor could charge for sexy pics.