• I don’t think they forgot, but to get the throughput that Sony has takes a lot of studios…that they’re trying to buy right now. I’m not a fan of it, but it’s too hard for someone else to enter the console space, so I don’t see another way for that gap to close.

    • They have and had studios. They just put all their funding into milking franchises that peaked in the 360 generation.

      Sony didn’t gain the lead because of quantity. It was through quality and good variety, starting at the end of the PS3 lifecycle that carried into the last generation.

      Microsoft should improve their ability developing quality games. Their last showcase showed maybe they have some coming.

    • I have to agree with the other comment… it’s not a quantity thing. Sony’s first party games have just been a far higher quality than Microsoft’s for a while. I can’t think of many Must Have Xbox games, but all the big exclusive games Sony releases are top of the chart must have games.