I’m still in disbelief having heard this for the first time today.

    • Yeah, they tend to be like that… have dumped quite a few great services. Google+ was my favorite place until it was gonne. I was mostly using Reddit afterwards, and given current circumstances, I’m jumping at alternatives immediately. I at least want to be able to access them and know how they feel.

    • Oh man, ain’t that the truth. I really gotta make a point to get a backup of all my photos from Google Photos onto a hard drive one of these days. Problem is, Google Takeout batches only last about a week or so and I have a very hefty amount of data to get out. The alternative is to download it month by month, year by year, which I’m not looking forward to doing at all.

      • I did exactly that. And ever since then, I’ve been backing up my full uncompressed photographs onto several duplicate hard drives and flash drives. Plus my videos, of course. I really should set up a server so I could do all that automatically, but I don’t really know how and don’t have the energy to figure it out.