• Why?

    I know the knee jerk reasons of course.

    However, GitHub is a fantastic ecosystem for an application to thrive. Contributions on other platforms are greatly reduced.

    Then again, the actual Lemmy development is a bit of a mess.

    Once it gains critical mass of engaged developers, that’s a good time to migrate off GitHub. Doing it earlier just slows the project down.

    •  toastal   ( @toastal@lemmy.ml ) 
      1 month ago

      It really provides nothing special of note other than network effect (slow UI, nonrobust CI of YAML spaghetti, pull request model is broken, upselling AI shit in the UX, taking users code with that AI & selling it back to users despite it being our code in the commons, taking cuts from sponsors, etc.), but you can’t shift that without setting a good example—& getting folks to cross out of that closed, centralized, data sucking ecosystem.

      One of the primary reasons for Lemmy’s existence is to get out of Reddit’s walled garden & AI nonsense onto a decentralized platform. Git (& other VCSs) does not have a restriction on centralized nonsense unless you buy into a platform that requires community member give up their data to a US company just to participate. Why would you value one thing for your users then have different values for developers (that are also users)—especially when there are gobs of alternatives? Screw Microsoft on all accounts—historically & presently. There is no reason to treat this like some startup/market thing for engagement when the platform & its core users want a different experience outside of corporate control (but if you must, just make a readonly mirror with issues disabled).