As Biden noted, the FCC “proposed a new rule that would require cable and satellite TV providers to give consumers the all-in price for the service they’re offering up front.” The proposed rule would force companies like Comcast, Charter Spectrum, and DirecTV to publish more accurate prices.

    • NZ and USA are the only countries in the world to allow it.

      No, a ton of others also allow it but there might be more more (or fewer) restrictions. But yes, advertising pharma products is pretty weird. Your doctor should proscribe your meds and you should not ask for something specific because an ad told you so. And many of those proscription free cold medicines are not really necessary or effective anyway.

      • Direct-to-consumer advertising is the promotion of prescription medicines to the general public. New Zealand and the USA are the only two countries in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) that allow direct-to-consumer advertising of prescription medicines.1 Feb 2004