I like the overall lack of in-jokes I’ve encountered here so far, and I want things to stay that way. This might be an unrealistic thing to hope for, but I like good, pure, discussion, as boring as that may be for some people.

  • I’m not a fan of the pun chains that somehow always ended up at the top of any Reddit comment thread

    There could be a post about electricity and one of the top threads will have a joke about Watts, amps, shock, resistance, ohms, and other electric terms. The least they could have done is use Siemens, but it’s always basic wordplay that anyone can think of

    And the worst part is that pun threads can be found any post regardless of the gravity of the situation. Titty post? Puns. Mundane news? Puns. A post of an innocent person being wrongly executed by electrocution? Puns.

    Everyone thinks they are/wants to be a comedian, and they’d rather post a low quality joke than to add to the discussion or not say anything at all